We Represent Victims of Wrongdoing


Why We Are Different

By now you  have probably heard "no recovery, no fee." What does that even mean?

In plain terms, we spend all of our time and money investigating what happened to you. We talk through the entire legal process, and we appreciate that not every single case ends up int the courtroom. 

What Do You Charge?

Our firm only charges 28% of any recovery that you approve. If we file a lawsuit that changes to 35%. 

We would rather you keep more of any settlement. 

Cases We Handle

 We are different from many personal injury law firms in that we are not a high-volume practice. We devote our hearts, experience and full legal resources to each and every case.

 When you entrust your case to us, you can be confident that you will receive the time and attention you deserve. We will do everything possible to alleviate as much of the burden off your shoulders as possible, so you can focus on recovering from your injuries and emotional trauma without having to fight legal proceedings alone. 


One of the leading causes of car accidents is driver error. With the prevalence of technology, car accidents caused by distracted driving have skyrocketed. Even if a car accident was caused by another driver's negligence, proving that they are liable for your injuries, damaged property, and more can be complicated, especially if there are multiple vehicles and variables involved.

Take a look at common causes of car accidents:

  • Distracted Driving

When the general public imagines causes of auto accidents, most people think about drinking and driving. While drunk driving is a pervasive problem, distracted driving may be a worse issue due to its prevalence. At any point in time, an approximate 660,000 drivers are trying to use their cells behind the wheel. In fact, cell phone use while driving is the cause of 1.6 million crashes each year. This makes texting and driving six times more likely to cause a car crash than drunk driving. However, the most horrifying statistic stems from teenage drivers. 11 teenagers are killed daily due to texting and driving. When tallied over 12 months, texting kills over 4,000 teens every year.

  • Speeding

Arguably one of the most avoidable causes, speeding is a nationwide problem that causes accidents every single day. When a passenger vehicle is traveling at 10 mph over the speed limit, he or she may be unable to react to the flow of traffic properly. When speeding is done at night or in terrible weather conditions, the chances of crashing are increased exponentially. Drivers are always taking in their surroundings—and, whether they know it or not, they have perceived expectations.

When a person changes lanes, they make an informed decision based on the flow of traffic and the speeds of the area. When a person is traveling 15 mph over the speed limit toward a car wanting to change lanes into their path, the transitioning vehicle may improperly deduce the speed of the oncoming vehicle based on the perceived speed limit. This means they may make a correct maneuver without knowing a speeding car is approaching, which can result in a catastrophic crash.

  • Drunk Driving

The #1 killer in American-related traffic accidents is drunk driving. Every weekend, thousands of people get behind the wheel intoxicated. The worst part of drunk driving is the fact that it injures or kills innocent people who are just driving down the road. In 2015, 16% of the 1,132 traffic deaths of kids aged 0 to 14 involved an alcohol-impaired driver. If you have been the victim of a drunk driving accident, you have the right to receive full compensation concerning your case.

  • Reckless Driving

Reckless driving is any driving being performed by a person who is not consciously aware of the damage their car can do to themselves and others. While some reckless behavior is frivolous, other forms can be small mistakes with severe consequences. Reckless driving can be as simple as not using a turn signal when changing lanes. The driver’s actions show that he or she is not thinking or caring about consequences, thus choosing to switch lanes without warning other drivers. For this reason, lane changes are the number one cause of reckless driving accidents.

  • Drowsy Driving

If a person’s ability to drive is inhibited to the point where they are not alert of the motorists around them, their driving is an inherent threat to other cars. Drowsy driving is especially prevalent among truck drivers who are overworked. Some truck companies are known for encouraging their drivers to work over federally allotted hours. Truck operators will then drive their rigs while tired and drowsy—drastically increasing their chance of causing a wreck. Commercial motor vehicles usually triple the weight of an average car, so when a drowsy trucker hits a smaller car, the result is not good. This is why truckers and citizens must be wary of driving while tired or sluggish.

While many of these are preventable ac

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